In one game, Dragon Ball Legends features various currencies that have their own specific uses. For example, this game has Chronos Crystals as the premium currency, while is also Zeni, Dual Coins, and Guild Coins. Although these are all coins that are consumable when spent, they all serve different purposes and where they are used to spend.
For this guide, the currency that will be particularly discussed is the Zeni currency, including the method of how it can be obtained and where to use it in the game. You can learn more about these by having first-hand experience by creating your own account or simply choosing from these DBL accounts for sale.
Without further ado, let us talk about Dragon Ball Legends Zeni.
What is the Zeni Currency
Going way back to the previous versions of Dragon Ball video games, the Zeni currency was already introduced. This was originally based on the Dragon Ball anime series. In fact, according to Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, one Zeni is equivalent to one Yen making it more realistic and easy to understand when spent.
As mentioned, the Zeni currency was already introduced by the previous versions of Dragon Ball video games such as Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu, Dragon Ball Z: Shin Butoden, Legacy of Goku series, Budokai series, DragonBall Z: Attack of the Saiyans, and the current Dragon Ball Legends.
In Dragon Ball Legends, the Zeni is primarily used to go on Adventure Jobs, upgrade equipment, and in soul boost. With its functions, it is understood that Zeni is an essential material to get stronger in the game.
How to Obtain Zeni Currency in Dragon Ball Legends
Now that you have already discovered the important uses of Dragon Ball Legends Zeni on your player account, it is just right to know how you can collect enough number of Zeni to aid your progress.
There are different ways how you can obtain Zeni. When there are new updates, it is expected to have new events that require you to perform certain tasks. By completing some of the tasks, the player will be rewarded a good amount of Zeni. Other than that, story battles, login bonuses, and selling some of your excess equipment can also give you a hefty amount of Dragon Ball Legends Zeni.
Lastly, you can also opt to go to the exchange shop of the Recycling Center. Here, the players will have a high chance of getting Zeni in exchange for excess items in your inventory.
One thing you have to remember is that Zeni is not used to exchange new items. Excess items are used to exchange for Dragon Ball Legends Zeni instead.
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